Hi Stan,

We've never met, but I feel I know a bit about you, having read you online on Feral Scholar. I wanted to say hello and say that I'm glad you're still writing online!

These two passages are memorable:

"The absence of forgiveness as a first principle explains a great deal about why we live in a world now where many swing seemingly uncontrollably between self-absorbed whining and puritanical aggression."


"There’s the aha! of a new insight (seeing inside) altogether, and the aha! of someone saying something one has long intuited, and saying it in such a precisely perfect way that it allows you to quote them and easily make that intuition legible to others."

In my case the first quote led to the second type of aha!

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I pay close attention to people who change their minds about big things. Conversion stories are always powerful and interesting. Enjoy Hegel! I’m diving deep on some power of the mind, meditation stuff these days. Forgiveness and humility and sadness. Compassion. Thanks Stan!

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