Apr 4Liked by Stan Goff

I live in a liberal university town that is basically an island of blue voters surrounded by a sea of red voters. If you travel 30 minutes outside of town, you start to see these same trucks you spoke of with the "We the People" and "Don't Tread on Me" stencils quite a bit. A strange juxtaposition.

I agree with your reply to another comment that America is going to just slip into a long terminal decline rather than a great conflagration that many of these guys may fantasize about.

Very strange times we live in no doubt.

Glad to see you're still posting after moving from Medium. I hope you have more books in the works also.

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I’ve seen them, too. Amusing fantasy, misdirected response to generalized anxiety, sad, maybe sometimes dangerous. Is it an art form, like unrefined kabuki? Street level gasoline power staged impromptu theatre?

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Removed (Banned)Apr 3·edited Apr 3
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